Le Manoir Kanisha fermera le 31 janvier 2025

Texte rédigé par Aéroport de Montréal

« Après 35 années de services d’hébergement et de relocalisation internationale d’animaux domestiques, le Manoir Kanisha cessera ses activités à compter du 31 janvier 2025. ADM Aéroports de Montréal nous a informés qu’elle doit récupérer ces espaces stratégiques localisés pour un usage aéroportuaire. Bien que nous soyons attristés de cette situation, nous comprenons qu’ADM doit privilégier ses usagers et le maintien d’un niveau de service. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons pris la décision de ne pas relocaliser nos activités sur un autre site. Nous tenons à remercier nos employés dévoués qui ont offert d’excellents soins aux milliers d’animaux. Nous sommes très reconnaissants à notre fidèle clientèle des 35 dernières années qui ont utilisé nos services. »

Les clients possédant des journées non-utilisées dans leur FORFAIT 28-JOURS-PRÉPAYÉS, seront remboursés après le 31 mars 2025.

03. Races brachycéphales

This is distilled wisdom as well as specific requirements from several airlines regarding the air transport of brachycephalic breeds.  This means snub-nosed breeds of cats and dogs of the following breeds (and their crosses) Himalayan, Pug, Boxer, Bulmastif, etc.








Due to their inherent breathing difficulties, owners and shippers of brachycephalic breeds, MUST follow the following guidelines:

  1. The travel crate must be adequately ventilated on all four sides.
  2. Brachycephalic breeds must travel in a crate which is at least 10% larger than normally required;
  3. The owner or shipper must acclimatise the animal to their travel crate by letting the pet spend daily time in their travel crate several days or better weeks, before departure.
  4. The owner or shipper must have the animal’s individual risk assessed by a veterinarian prior to travel. To be eligible for air travel, all brachycephalic breeds and their crosses must be accompanied with a letter or certificate from a registered veterinarian that specifies that the animal is fit-to-air travel or to undertake the journey intended.  This is in addition to all the other veterinary certificates required by the airline and the destination country.
  5. Excessive temperatures and humidity should be avoided. Where possible, it is recommended that flights be selected to leave or arrive in very hot and humid countries, either early morning or late at night, when the temperature is known to be cooler.
  6. During flight, no food need be available inside the travel crate. Water should be available all the time. Small portion of spare food can be strapped to the top of your pet’s crate.
  7. The shipper should select the most direct flights and the travel plans should avoid stops in cities where expected ambient hot temperatures or humidity differs significantly from the normal conditions the animal is exposed to.  If the owner is planning the travel themselves, be sure to plan the journey first for the pet, and then decide if you wish to accompany on the same flights.  Always allow enough time at transits for movement between incoming and outgoing flights.  To move a pet, the airlines often requires a minimum of 4-6 hours on the ground between two flights, even if they are from the same carrier. Unlike human passengers, the animal cannot walk from one gate to another and always require more time between flights.
  8. Before departure and during transit, the animal must be placed in a well ventilated and very quiet area.
  9. These brachycephalic pets must be verified during transit stops and fresh water should be added to their bowl.

Prior to the acceptance of any brachycephalic breed for air transport, the owner must sign an « ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND INDEMNITY FORM »  that is a waiver procedure which limits the airline’s responsibilities in case of problems during transport.

Manoir Kanisha

1990 - 2025

Trentre-cinq années d'excellents services offerts
aux animaux domestiques
et à leurs propriétaires


Nous souhaitons aider toute personne souhaitant exporter un animal de compagnie, mais avec le nombre d’animaux actuellement en préparation et en transit, nous devons avoir au moins 14 jours d’avertissement avant toute exportation pour préparer la documentation nécessaire et réserver les vols.



Manoir Kanisha
175 avenue Jenkins
Dorval, Québec (Canada)
H9P 2W6

Tél : 514-631-1755
Fax : 514-636-1203

Courriel : nicole@manoirkanisha.com


08h00 à 12h30 et
13h30 à 18h00
Sept jours par semaine