Photos of our WINNERS and FINALISTS
March 31, 2021
Owner’s information and judge’s comments
Organized by MANOIR KANISHA & THE SUBURBAN Newspaper

BAILEY – Border Collie – 3 years old
“BAILEY”- Border Collie – 3 years old
BAILEY’S OWNER: Bailey is a 3-year-old tricolor border collie. He was adopted from a kennel at the age of 3 months by me. He’s been a frisbee enthusiast since he was a puppy, but during the winter, we go hiking! This photo was taken in his favorite woodland during our daily walk. – Audrey
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: Bailey embodies a true winter lover as his eyes sparkle with joy and wonder.
Dayton: Great quality and showcasing of Bailey
Janet: Loved the photo instantly. Happy dog with snow all around Beautiful head shot.
Mia: This picture is my definitely my favorite! Bailey looks so happy and the snow on her face shows that she’s having lots of fun playing in the snow. The quality of this picture is very impressive.
Michel : The picture of Bailey proved to me that he spent a real good time in a Winter Wonderland. The photo shows good lighting, focus and Wonderment.
Nicole: A stunning picture. There is no shadow so that we can see both eyes perfectly. The image is so clear, so precise we can count each strand of hair or each whisker on his nose. He looks so lively as if he could say, “Let’s go!”. His half-open mouth shows a readiness to bark. The camera captured well the determination, courage, and great energy typical of the border collie. A few snowflakes proved that this image was taken in cold weather. I would have liked more elements of a Winter Wonderland. This was not my first-place choice but, after a close analysis, I must agree with my fellow judges, it deserves the winning position.
Peggy: Bailey is Captain Winter himself: bold and focused gaze and he totally has our full attention.
“JASPER”- Australian Shepherd Puppy – 5 months old
JASPER’S OWNER: Jasper is a 5-month-old Australian Shepherd puppy. Cheerful and full of energy, he is always ready to go on an adventure. Our daily life is bordered by long walks, as in the photo, it is a trip that we like to do, along the river. Jasper is my dream dog. I always wanted to have this breed of dog, for a long time, for its sporty, intelligent and adventurous side. We adopted it from a super breeder in the Trois-Rivières region. We waited for him for several months, and when he arrived in our life, the connection was immediate and since then he has brought a lot of happiness to our hearts! Voilà! – Genevieve
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: Jasper’s true winter spirit can be felt miles away through his captivating gaze.
Dayton: His eyes are very captivating.
Janet: Beautiful puppy in the woods. Side shot. Puppy waiting to play in the snow.
Mia: The first thing I noticed about this picture were his beautiful piercing blue eyes.
Michel: Jasper seems to be relaxing after a tiring day. The tracks in the snow make me feel like he just got rejected from the Wonderland.
Nicole: This image captures the innocence of a very young puppy. Something has obviously captured his attention on the left side. He seems unsure what to do? He looks so tired. The redness of his left rear pad show he has been running for a while. His sitting position in such a clumsy manner proves that Jasper needed a rest. He does not intend to run for the moment. The astonishing light blue color of his left eye complements the various bleu tones of the snow, the river, and the sky in the background. The clean white hair of his chest reveals that someone had giving him a bath not too long ago. In a few months, when the photographer looks back at this picture, she (Geneviève) will hardly believe how big he has grown in such a short time. Our judges really appreciated this picture and awarded it second place.
Peggy: Jasper’s vivid sky-blue eyes harmonize with the winter blues of the surrounding landscape most pleasantly. Lovely photo of a puppy enjoying his First Winter!
“CHUCK & JACK”- Bernese Mountain Dogs – 3 years old
CHUCK & JACK’S OWNER: Two Bernese Mountain Dog, brothers who were born on November 30, 2018. Chuck was adopted first at the age of 2 months and became my service dog. Jack was later adopted at the age of 18 months when we found him on the internet (we are his third family). CHUCK is jealous, resentful, lazy and not too cuddly. He does not know that with his 135 pounds, he should avoid sitting on us. JACK is a mad lover, hyperactive and protective. With his 87 pounds he does not always let strangers approach his beloved human family. We often go for long walks in the forest and the fields. This picture was taken when we were all taking a short rest. – M. Latour
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: Their soft yet powerful stance inspires such winter wonderland beauty.
Dayton: True friendship!
Janet: Two Bernese mountain dogs out in the snow – very majestic. Two dogs together who love the snow.
Mia: Chuck and Jack look like the perfect duo! I love how this picture captures their love of the snow. Their bond is undeniable.
Michel : They make me feel like they just need a rest before going back and continuing their trip in the Winter Wonderland.
Nicole: The long shadow on the left of CHUCK & JACK, indicates this picture was taken late afternoon. They look tired and needed a rest. The intensity of their eye focus indicates that they love the person behind the camera. The position of their faces perfectly placed one above the other demonstrates that these Bernese Mountain dogs are either very well trained to obey the “Stay” command in this specific position, or that the photographer was extremely lucky to click this image at the right moment. Whichever it is, the result is a beautiful photo and our judges gave it a third place.
Peggy: These two Bernese are poised like they’re about to take us on a guided tour of the countryside.
“BOUBOU”- Australian Shepherd – 20 months old
BOUBOU’S OWNER: Boubou is a purebred Australian Shepherd, 20 months old. Both his father and grand-father are American Champions in conformation competition. We had a 13-year-old Border Collie who left us, and we felt a great void of Love to give and receive. When we saw this little furball we fell in love. He is so intelligent, skillful, curious, and so affectionate. Winter is his favorite season; he could spend hours outside. He loves walks in the forest and above all he loves to make friends, he just finished playing in our big, fenced yard, he is very sociable even with our chickens. This photo was taken in January 2021 during one of our many outings in the forest behind us. – Joane
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: Boubou’s playful and focused demeanor is enough to turn any frown upside down.
Dayton: Looks like he is having the time of his life
Janet: My favorite! Loved the shot of running through the snow – Ultimate winter fun for dogs !!
Mia: Boubou looks to be having so much fun in the snow and this picture captures it beautifully.
Michel: Boubou is running back home from his trip to Wonderland. Nice focus of him playing in the snow.
Nicole: This picture represents an Aussie in a winter scene. The participant photographer understood our Theme perfectly. The track behind BOUBOU shows that he has been running in the forest where the wind does not remove the thickness of this white winter powder. He does not even look tired. As if the great difficulty of running in the deep snow was easy for him. The splashing snow around him confirms that he is running very fast. The camera was well programmed to capture in focus the flying snow around him. I found that the background is most impressive. The low angle of the camera seized the real treat for our eyes: the snow-covered threes and branches. This picture shows BOUBOU in a Winter Wonderland. These are all the reasons why this photo was my first choice.
Peggy: This is a great photo capturing the joy and excitement of a dog racing through freshly fallen snow at top speed. Go! Go! Go!
“HUGO”- Pembrooke Welsh Corgi – 4 years old
HUGO’S OWNER: Hugo the Corgi is a sweet boy of almost 4 years old. He loves to play in the snow, jump through piles of crunchy leaves, and roll around in freshly cut grass. He can play fetch for hours and will gladly perform tricks if treats are on the line. Hugo is a loving and loyal dog with a smile that can light up a room. This picture was taken in January after a big snowfall. Hugo was so excited, and we played fetch with him even though he could barely hop through the snow with his little legs. – Jonathan
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: It is not difficult to detect Hugo’s genuine silly and smiley nature.
Dayton: What an eccentric smile
Janet: Hugo. Corgi. Such a cutie! Beautifully centered photo.
Mia: I love this picture because it looks like Hugo is smiling! The picture is perfectly in focus.
Michel: This photo shows so much happiness coming from the pleasure of playing in the snow. Nice focus on Hugo and excellent use of lighting.
Nicole: What a lovely picture of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. His dark eyes and the dark rim around them are so well captured in this facial shot. This picture has such a perfect focus that you can count the lines in his pink tongue. The slightly open mouth, his pink tongue, and his oval eyes give the impression that HUGO is smiling. This is typical of Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and it is why people love them so much. Remember, these dogs are Queen of England’s preferred dog breed. Congratulations to the photographer for having seized this lovely smiling expression.
Peggy: Such a satisfied and happy expression!
“NIKKI” – Alaskan Malamute – 5 years old
NIKKI’S OWNER: Nikki is 5 years old now. She is a pure Alaskan malamute. We bought her at 2 months old with my dad for my mother. Sadly 4 months later my mother passed away. With my dad selling the house and moving into an apartment we decided to keep Nikki as she was the last gift to my mother. As for the picture in the snow, Nikki being a snow dog loves the snow and mountains of snow. It is impossible to get her in even on the coldest of days. In this pic Nikki and I were playing, and she decided to rest on top of the snowbank, and I decided to get a picture of her. As you can see, she is quite the poser. – Kenneth and Melanie
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: Nikki’s inquisitive and comforting stare can fill you with warmth even through the chilliest of winter days.
Dayton: Absolutely beautiful fur.
Janet: Nikki, the malamute. Just the breed of dog to enjoy winter – lying out in the snow!
Mia: Nikki looks like she is in her element! I love how attentive and sweet she looks.
Michel: She’s just taking a nice rest in the snow.
Nicole: An extra-large dog breed, the Alaskan Malamute has a gentle nature. This picture illustrates the very sweet expression and affectionate disposition of this giant bred originating from Alaska. The difference between the dark eyes and nose in the white face creates a nice contrast clearly shown in this lovely photo. If the photographer makes a small noise, the malamute will slightly tilt his head as if NIKKI is asking, “What is this noise?” Bred to live and work in the Alaskan temperatures as cold as -60 Degrees Centigrade, our winters are never long or cold enough for this breed. The photo shows how comfortable she is lying in the snow. When I look at this picture, I feel like hugging NIKKI and running my fingers through her deep fur coat. In my opinion, this is one of the most expressive pictures we received and well deserved to be a finalist.
Peggy: This is my personal favorite! Nikki’s plush coat of contrasting whites and greys complements the snowy background. Her expression is one of comfort and relaxation in her element – winter and cold weather, if you please!?
“CHIHIRO” – Akita Inu – 6 years old
CHIHIRO’S OWNER : Chihiro is a 6-year-old Akita Inu. I adopted him in Versailles, France, a few weeks after my brother died. He’s always dreamed of having a dog, and his name comes from his favorite anime, “Spirited Away”. We arrived in Canada a few months ago, she discovered the snow here that she loves. She likes to fall asleep in the snow and catch snowflakes. For 6 years since she came into my life, she has followed me with each of my moves up to here, 7000kms from the south of France where we lived. She has 2 big brother cats that she adores. – Noémie
Propriétaire de CHIHIRO: Chihiro est une Akita Inu de 6 ans. Je l’ai adopté à Versailles, en France, quelques semaines après le décès de mon frère. Il a toujours rêvé d’avoir un chien, et son prénom vient de son animé préféré, « Le voyage de Chihiro ». Nous sommes arrivés au Canada il y a quelques mois, elle a découvert ici la neige qu’elle adore. Elle aime s’endormir dans la neige et attraper les flocons de neige. Depuis 6 ans qu’elle est rentrée dans ma vie, elle m’a suivi à chacun de mes déménagements jusqu’ici, 7000 kms du sud de la France où nous vivions. Elle a 2 grand-frères chats qu’elle adore. – Noémie
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: Chihiro look inspires nothing less than true winter royalty.
Dayton: Love the attitude
Mia: I love this picture! The white background is beautiful and Chihiro looks like she belongs!
Michel: Seems very happy to rest after her walk. Nice contrast with the environment.
Nicole: This picture of Chihiro captures the typical personality of the Akita Inu. Loving and loyal towards their human family members, most specimens are reserved but will not back down from a challenge. Bred to hunt (bear, wild boar) and fight in the high mountain of Japan, this large breed is now trained for police and guard work. They love the snow and the cold. This nice photo has a lovely winter wonderland background and was appreciated by our judges.
Peggy: Chihiro’s orange coat is nicely popped against the background of trees draped in snow. He’s the little fox of his forest.
“NALA” – German Shepherd-x – 4.5 years old
NALA’S OWNER: In August we came across a Facebook post. Someone was desperately looking for a home for a 4 1/2-year-old German Shepherd mix. We brought Nala home the very next day. We are her 3rd owners …. her past consisted of being caged & long, lonely days. Her last owner had loved her dearly but was absent long hours daily & finally decided to find her the home she deserved. Lucky us! What a wonderful, loving girl. We are so enjoying all the love she has to give. Just wants to please 24/7. We are having a great time showing her all the things she missed the first 4 1/2 years of her life. The picture is her enjoying her daily runs in the woods near our home. She loves children, other dogs, running free, camping. Her favorite, being a girl, is going shopping for treats & toys. She has brought so much love & joy into our hearts & home. – Linda
Judges’ comments:
Dayton: Cute new friendship
Mia: This picture is beautiful and original!
Michel: Nala really appreciates the environment around her and demonstrates her happiness with this special moment. Nice choice of site to showcase her Winter Wonderland.
Nicole: I immediately loved that picture of NALA who shows interest in this wood sculpture which looks like a “woodman”. It appears that NALA says to the sculpture: “I wish that you could come and play with me in the snow”. What a “special moment’ to seize and appreciate for a long time. Even if this picture does not show NALA playing in the snow, the winter background is lovely and matches our Winter Theme. This photo is unique and original. It deserves a place within our finalists.
Peggy: This photo of Nala captures a certain peaceful and pastoral atmosphere of Life in the country. You can imagine her enjoying the freedom of all that space free of noise and traffic.
“LOUIE VUITTON” – Pomeranian – 3 years old
LOUIE VUITTON’S OWNER: So, Louie is an almost 3-year-old Pomeranian. He has a personal trainer twice a week. His Instagram @louievuittonthepom chronicles his life as a downtown doggo. I was walking him this winter and I had just gotten a new phone a few days before with a great camera on it. I snapped the picture of him during a snowfall (he is a true arctic pup who loves winter), and it was only much later that day that, when looking at the picture I noticed something on his snout. When I zoomed in, I noticed the perfect snowflake resting on his fur. That picture is now my phone’s screen lock image. – Marc
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: Louis Vuitton is cuteness overload sprinkled in snow.
Dayton: Looks like a fluffy pillow.
Janet: Loved this photo with all the snow on him – Winter snowflakes.
Mia: Louie Vuitton looks adorable in this picture. The white snow makes his beautiful fur stand out!
Michel: Very nice picture and focus to show how happy he is and having such a great time playing in the snow.
Nicole: One could say that this picture cuts part of the dog’s head, but his facial expression is all there and adorable. The snowflakes all over his face indicate that he is having a good time playing in the snow and it is a lovely contrast with his dark red coat color. It is a very small dog breed, but the Pomeranians can easily over-heat and they are totally at ease in the snow. This picture was liked by our judges and made it in the 10 best photos submitted.
Peggy: Louie Vuitton is highly charming and appears in our view every bit as unique as a living snowflake.
“RUSTY” – Australian Shepherd – 3 years old
Playing with “JACK” – German Shepherd – 3 years old
RUSTY’S OWNER: Rusty is a 3-year-old male Australian Shepherd who was adopted as a puppy. His best friend here is Jack, a 3-year-old German Shepherd, who could play for hours outside in the snow together! – Samantha
Judges’ comments:
Amanda: This lively and fun-loving photo of Rusty playing in the snow, has friendship written all over it.
Dayton: Love the chemistry they have.
Mia: Having met Rusty at Manoir Kanisha I know how much he loves to play in the snow and this picture captures it perfectly! This picture is perfectly in focus and one of my favorites!
Michel : Rusty takes advantage of a nice meeting in his Winter Wonderland to show a happy moment. I love how Rusty is a clear focal point with the beautiful landscape in the background.
Nicole: Sometimes the backlit makes the animal very dark. In this superb picture, the sunlight gives a nice contour to RUSTY. This natural light creates a magical effect on this scene. The back part of his body is just beautiful as the sun rays caress his fluffy tail. The much larger German Shepherd laying down gives a nice friendly advantage to the smaller RUSTY during their playful interaction. The snow is packed under their feet. The sunlight reflects on the hard snow and enriches their lovely colorful furry coats. No white covers the branches in the background indicating that no snow falls happened in quite a while. This lovely photo made it as a finalist. Congrats.
Peggy: The vivid blue sky really pops Rusty’s blue merle colorings and bushy, arching tail. This is an overall excellent photo of a winter play session in the snow between familiars.
Meet our JUDGES for the
Manoir Kanisha employees:
Janet, Assistant Manager
Peggy, Animal Care Attendant |
Amanda, Assistant in Pet Relocation |
Mia, Animal Care Attendant |
Dayton, Animal Care Attendant |
Nicole, Founder & President |
Michel Leclerc, Guest Judge |
A word from Melanie, the coordinator of our
“WINTER WONDERLAND ” photo contest:
Thank you to all the participants of our Winter Wonderland Pet Photography contest! So many beautiful photos that show us a little fun and warmth during Canada’s cold winter months.
Our next contest coming soon is titled, “The Human-Animal Bond” and we want you to send us your best photo that demonstrates the bond and connection between a pet and their human. If you share your home with a dog, cat, or other furry or feathery creature, then you know that being a pet owner is about more than just caring for a non-human animal. Send in a photo that expresses that universal love shared between animals and humans.
Send your best ” PHOTO” to
The DEADLINE to send your best
photo to THE SUBURBAN is
Midnight May 31st, 2021
The judges will select the photos capturing the BEST BOND between the person and animal.
Good luck!