Photos of our FINALISTS
Owner’s information and judge’s comments
Organized by MANOIR KANISHA & THE SUBURBAN Newspaper

BARACK – Beauceron – 1.5 years old
Owner’s comments:
“Oh my god!! I’m so happy! I didn’t know my picture ranked well! Wow! Wow! W ow!!! My first language is French, so I will do my best to write you more words about that day and about him. Barack is a purebred Beauceron. We chose to have this breed because they are a very versatile working dog. They can do dock diving, herding, obedience, weight pull and even more. Everything a dog can do, a Beauceron can do it. We wanted an active dog who could follow us everywhere, but also a good family dog who loves to cuddle and be around people. When you look at Barack, he can seems like an attack dog and that’s why some people are afraid of him when we walk. But believe me, when you look in his eyes, you see how deeply lovely and gentle he is. He is always ready to play and follow us on our human adventures. If he had his choice he would never stop.
During this photo day, we were at his favorite spot near St-Laurent’s river. We were playing in water with him and suddenly, he took this big wood stick and starting to run in the water with it. I grabbed my camera and took a shot of him. I love this picture of him because it shows so much power and elegance at the same time.” Genevieve St-Amant
Judge’s comments:
Mia: BARACK is extremely powerful and looks very happy to be retrieving the stick from the water. This picture is absolutely amazing.
Jean-Claude: Amazing! Fantastic picture of a dog running through water with his favorite stick.
Nicole: This is a STUNNING picture! The first time I saw this photo, I was so drawn to it, I could not move on to another picture. This photo stayed in my mind for days. In this one image, we can observe the power, the determination and the elegance of the Beauceron dog breed. The precision of the water splashing, increases the impact of the dog’s movement. The gentle sunlight caressing his face and back adds a lot of interesting contrast to this picture. The blurry background helps our eyes to concentrate on the dog and make this shot an outstanding picture. Congratulations to the person behind the camera.
Janet: My favorite photo! It reminds me of wonderful camping and canoe trips, with the dogs having such fun.
Peggy: This is my personal Photo Contest WINNER for many reasons. This photo could easily grace the cover of many magazines featuring classic Cottage Country living.

CINNAMON – German-Shepherd-X – 10 years old
Owner’s comments:
“CINNAMON’s picture is a finalist. That’s awesome news! Our Cinnamon is no doubt the best dog on the planet. She can be so gentle that she can turn anyone who doesn’t like dogs into a dog lover. Other times, she’ll run around the dog park for an hour and still not be tired. Though she is almost ten years old, we can still see the spirit of a puppy in her eyes. Cinnamon has been our faithful dog ever since the day we brought her home, and we wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.
The second price is awesome. Can we donate it to a rescue organization of our choice? ” Anna Saghy
Judge’s Comments:
Rosalie: I love the splash in the water. It gives a cool effect to the photo. Also, he stares into our souls with those adorable eyes.
Peggy: The beauty of the dog and clear details of the refreshing lake waters, pulls me in to want to swim alongside CINNAMON in such an idyllic setting. It is a truly beautiful photo with such a great view of the ripples and movement of the water as Cinnamon swims.
Nicole: CINNAMON is obviously walking at the bottom of this lake because her back and her tail are above the water level. The photo captures the gentle nature of this dog. Her soft eyes indicated that she is willing to please. The clear focus allows us to see her front leg going into the water after splashing through the surface. Very good picture.
Mia: CINNAMON has the sweetest look on his face and looks happy to be in the water. I love this picture.

BAILEY, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 4 months old
Owner’s comments:
“We are very happy that BAILEY made the top 10 Finalists in the PLAYING PETS Photo Contest. Our daughter Jennifer loves her confinement puppy and love’s to take her on walks in Dorval. BAILEY has a lot of energy and loves to meet new People.
Je suis fière que ma fille de onze ans fasse le « top trois » avec sa photo de notre bébé BAILEY, une corgi de 4 mois. Nos deux filles s’adorent. » Nathalie, Allen, Jennifer Desbiens
Judge’s comments:
Amanda: Bailey looks like a super dog, flying through the air, just missing a cape. So cute. I laughed out loud upon looking at this photo.
Jean-Claude: A very cute puppy! It looks like she is jumping out of the picture.
Nicole: To take this picture, the photographer had to be laying down in the grass. BRAVO! This is the best way to photograph a bouncing puppy. The space under the dog shows us to see the full extension of her legs. The symmetry of the ears equally placed on each side on the tree in the background is very nicely done. The focus of BAILEY’s eyes on the person behind the camera shows her desire to arrive at full speed. Great shot.
Peggy: This photo of BAILEY in a flying run had me imagine her jumping straight into my arms. This lovely photo was taken at the eye level of the action!

ROCKY – German Shepherd-X-Boxer, 11 months
Owner’s comments:
« Rocky’s picture is a finalist. That’s great news! Don’t let those soft bleu eyes fool you! Rocky is a very agile dog. He runs fast and bounces along with energy! He’s always down for a game of frisbee” Jessica Znaty
Judge’s comments:
Amanda: Those piercing eyes are amazing! Ready to fetch.
Rosalie: ROCKY seems to be in his awkward teenage phase with those long legs and huge ears, hahaha. I love how adorable his smile is, clearly he loves his frisbee.
Jonathan: ROCKY looks very proud to present his frisbee.
Nicole: The fact this dog is off-center, to the right of the picture, gives an interesting composition. The long leash on the ground occupies the left side of the photo. It may indicate that someone let the dog run free to play. This is a very good shot. It gives the impression that the dog is ready to go.
Peggy: This photo caught my attention because it could easily represent a classic Manoir Kanisha playtime session!

TOOTSIE, Bichon Frisé, 12 years old
Owner’s comments:
« TOOTSIE’s picture in the final group! That’s great news. Since she’s a granny (she’s around 12), TOOTSIE doesn’t really play much. The only time she does is when she’s hungry. That’s when her hunt drive comes out and she’ll try to catch anything you throw at her. No worries, she can’t do much damage, since she only has four teeth left. » Thomas Lornsen
Judge’s comments:
Jean-Claude: Very cute photo of TOOTSIE jumping for her squirrel toy. The photo is a little bit blurry but it is one of the best full-body action photo we received in the contest.
Janet: TOOTSIE is such a cute dog playing. She obviously loves to catch.
Amanda: TOOTSIE reminds me of a movie star always ready to react to the camera.
Nicole: This shot demonstrates that TOOTSIE is not only willing to catch her toy, but she is in a hurry to meet it in mid-air. The fast-moving toy is a little blurry. It does not distract from a very happy image; it makes me smile.
Jonathan: Tootsie doesn’t seem to realize, she isn’t a puppy anymore!

KOA, American Bulldog & SHINER, Bulldog
Owner’s comments:
« My picture is in the finalists! Wow, that’s exciting! Both Koa and Shiner have passed away now, but I entered the photo to show people how adorable Pitbull type dogs can be, even though they are American Bulldogs, most don’t know the difference. All they see is muscles and a big head and they run for the hills. If it’s a problem, and you can’t use the photo, I totally understand. But it is my photo, that I took, of my two dogs. And it is a GREAT photo!!
Koa was feisty, play rough and tumble, and certainly slowed down for NO ONE, not even a pup. She always needed to be top dog! Shiner was eager to show the “big dogs” she could keep up, small in size but all heart! Always one step behind but trying her best! Most American Bulldogs like to chase, catch, fetch ANYTHING from a ball, rope toys or Koa’s personal favorite, a hose! Their play drive is off the charts, but the VERY best part about this breed is they have a nice “off switch” and are the first to jump onto the couch for a good snuggle and nap after a serious play session! » Sue Pouliot
Judge’s comments:
Mia: KOA & SHINER look like they are best friends, playing happily together which fits perfectly with the theme of this contest.
Amanda: KOA and SHINER are so cute. They are playing football together and look like great teammates.
Rosalie: KOA is clearly the alpha dog. Look how much fun they are having running around together.
Nicole: The contrast of KOA & SHINER’s color with the green grass, the symmetry in their movement, and the clear focus make this picture a very special action shot. Thank you for sharing this lovely memory of your best friends.

KOKI, Siberian Husky, 5 years old
Owner’s comments:
“KOKI is a playful, five-year-old Siberian Husky. He enjoys playing and cooling off in his pool with his favorite toy.” Donna Nickerson
Judge’s comments:
Janet: A husky in the pool water! Just says: « Play more with me »
Mia: KOKI is a very beautiful dog, whose eyes pop especially with the blue of the pool. A very pretty picture.
Jean-Claude: Perfect dog’s summer day. Playing in the pool with our favorite toy. He looks so mischievous.
Peggy: I gave this photo a high score because it’s another classic « summer fun » photo. It shows the natural beauty of KOKI’s coat in contrast to the blue swimming pool and purple indigo boomerang.
Rosalie: A pool is a must for a husky in summer. He must spend all his days in it with his cutie boomerang. And look at his piercing blue eyes. Wow!

LIMA, Border Collie X Golden Retriever, 3 years old
Owner’s comments:
« LIMA comes from a northern refuge. She is a perfect family dog; kind, gentle, calm, loyal, and very patient with children. She has no hint of malice. She loves to play and run. Her favorite game is to bring back balls and sticks. She particularly likes soccer balls. She loves them so much that she hesitates to give them back. LIMA is the best dog in the world. Her eyes are mind-blowing. » The Brochu Family, Dorval
« LIMA provient d’un refuge nordique. C’est un chien de famille parfait. Elle est gentille, douce, calme, loyale et très patiente avec les enfants. Elle n’a aucune once de malice. Elle adore jouer et courir. Son jeu préféré, c’est de rapporter les balles et les bâtons. Elle aime particulièrement les ballons de soccer. Elle les aime tellement qu’elle hésite à les redonner. LIMA est le meilleur chien au monde. Ses yeux sont hallucinants. » Famille Brochu, Dorval
Judge’s comments:
Janet: I love those eyes! A Border Collie-X that loves balls. Of course.
Rosalie: What a beautiful picture! Lima is a real top model. Her eyes are begging us to play with her and her beautiful rainbow-colored ball.
Jonathan: Who can resist those lovely eyes?
Mia: LIMA looks like the sweetest dog with those beautiful eyes that seem to say: “Please play with me!”
Peggy: This photo is a great study in contrast between the plain snowy background and the multicolored rainbow ball in Lima’s mouth.

SHANTI, Whippet, 12 years old
Owner’s comments:
“SHANTI’s picture selected as a finalist. Wow!!! Quelle belle nouvelle. Shanti’s most exciting game is to run like mad in the garden with a stick in his mouth!
Whippets can run 56 km per hour… don’t even try to catch him unless you can show him a treat! » Louise Sansregret
Judge’s comments:
Janet: SHANTI looks like he will play all day – no matter the weather!
Jean-Claude: The famous ‘’play bow’’. A perfect photo that matches our PLAYING PETS theme perfectly.
Nicole: I gave a very high score to this picture of SHANTI. Obviously, my judge’s colleagues did not agree with me. I think this picture is so elegant. His body position “resting on his elbows”, demonstrates his playful attitude, as well as his obvious joy to chew on this small branch. The contrast of his body with the white snow gives a nice romantic feeling to this beautiful image. His green winter coat complements well the green of the branches in the background. I am glad this photo remained a finalist but, I would have placed it closer to the top.
Peggy: This is an excellent depiction of a dog being playful by itself, using a simple stick poking out of the snow as a toy. The muted greens of the conifer branches complement the green of Shanti’s winter jacket.
Mia: Shanti looks happy to be eating those branches! The dog seems to really be the focus of the picture with the white snow contrasting with his colors.
Meet our JUDGES for the PLAYING PETS Photo Contest:
AMANDA who represent THE SUBURBAN:
(Photo to be posted soon)
Some of our Manoir Kanisha employees:×202.jpg
JANET, Assistant-Manager
Jean-Claude, accounting
Jonathan, Animal Care Attendant

MIA, Animal Care Attendant
PEGGY, Animal Care Attendant
ROSALIE, Client Services
Nicole, Founder and President
Melanie, Client Services
A word from Melanie, the coordinator of our
« PLAYING PET » photo contest:
A BIG thank you to everyone who participated in the PLAYING PET contest. It was so difficult to judge your photos as it was easy to fall in love with all of them!
Thank you as well to The SUBURBAN who have done a fantastic job of spreading the word and creating this beautiful page dedicated to the winners!
In honor of all our feline friends, we are excited to announce the next photo contest:
The Cutest Cat!
This is a CAT’S ONLY photo contest so send us the purr-fect photo and win prizes!
Visit the Manoir Kanisha Facebook page and THE SUBURBAN website for more details.
Send your « CUTEST CAT PHOTO » now at:
The DEADLINE to send your best CUTE CAT photo to THE SUBURBAN is
Midnight Wednesday AUGUST 26th, 2020
Remember that the judges will select the CUTEST CAT PHOTO. This may not be the cutest cat.
Good luck!